Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chocoholic's Delight

Raw desserts are fun, especially for those that are gluten-intolerant. I love a good piece of chocolate now and then, but variety is the spice of life "they" say. This creamy, pudding-like dessert is so rich that I made small sample-size servings for our guests to taste.


1/4 cup cacao or dark chocolate nibs
1 avocado
1/4 cup dates, pitted
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoons agave nectar
1 thumb-size piece of fresh ginger, peeled and diced


Blend all ingredients in a blender or a Cuisinart for 2-minutes or until smooth. Chill.

Note: I found that I can put this dessert in the freezer to chill and to keep. It will not freeze solid. I think this is because of the oil from the avocado. I made this a week ago and they remain fresh and edible right out of the freezer today. Yum! I just at two tasty treats, just as good as if I just made them. I love the zing of ginger!

Serves 3 or makes a plate full of appetizer-size servings.

This recipe is from Fresh - The Ultimate Live-Food Cookbook by Segei and Valya Boutenko, page 105.

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